What is Embracing Grace Ministries?
Embracing Grace Ministry is a 501c3, non-profit ministry under the directorship of Rev. Marji Stevens.
Our purpose, and our joy, is to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ, at conferences, retreats, church events, and Bible studies. It has been our privilege to minister to a wide variety of denominations and organizations all over the world.
Embracing Grace Ministry is the umbrellas for Mim's Pickety Press Publishing Company, and
Lives Overcoming Loss.
Where did the name Embracing Grace come from?
The name Embracing Grace came from a picture Marji drew as a young Christian. It is her heart's response to the subject of grace.
"God has always helped me to understand the deep principles of faith through simple pictures. Here is the story . . .
One night I had a dream about a young woman. She was looking into the Word of God and weeping. Whenever she read the Bible she'd become deeply discouraged because she knew that no matter how hard she tried, she could never measure up enough to earn God's favor.
As she wept, the Savior wrapped His arms around her and whispered,
Wrap the arms of your faith around My Grace, child. This is how you will find favor."
No artist can portray the beauty of the Lord - but by His Grace, we can know the mastery of His brushstrokes upon our hearts.
Marji is ordained through the ministry of Elim Fellowship, Lima, NY.
Marji was married to Bill Stevens for forty years, until being widowed in 2007. They have two grown sons and seven grandchildren.
Marji became a follower of Jesus Christ in the early 1970s and has been in the speaking and singing ministry for over forty years. She has also traveled in ministry with Rev. Sylvia Evans and has served as a part of her yearly retreat ministry at Watson Homestead for over twenty-five years.
Following a severe accident, Marji developed difficulty with her singing voice. Unable to sing without pain, the psalmist portion of her ministry was laid down in 1998. During those years of silence, the Lord led Marji into new areas of creativity. Art and writing replaced her singing.
As a result of her own journey through loss, Marji realized that there was a need for greater outreach to widows. So, in 2013 Marji launched Lives Overcoming Loss as a branch of Embracing Grace Ministries.
In 2016, before a mission trip to Ukraine, the Lord miraculously restored Marji's singing voice. She now sings mostly in private worship. Her original recordings have been resurrected and are available on CD.
About Marji . . .
For more information about Embracing Grace Ministries go to Marji's website.