June is Busting Out With New Faces
We weren't expecting more than a handful of women for the June meeting because it was on Father's Day. Boy, were we surprised. Not only did we have a great group, half of them were new faces.
I sat back and looked around the room as tears caught in my throat. Lord, You are amazing. Look what's happening here. You are so good. It never ceases to amaze me how these women find their way, from all over the surrounding Rochester area, to our little group in Rush, NY.
Have you ever heard of a grass widow? The term was first recorded in 1528, and originally referred to an abandoned mistress, or a woman who has borne a child out of wedlock. By the middle of the 19th century, however, grass widow had come to refer mainly to a wife whose husband was temporarily absent for an extended period of time.
Today, grass widow is a term generally referring to a woman who has separated, or divorced.
Loss is loss. Whether through divorce, death of a spouse, or the loss of any loved one. The needs are so similar. For the grass widow, there is the element of rejection that compounds the grief.
It was our delight to have speaker, Joan Alexander, share her testimony of God's amazing grace and redemption. She certainly held our attention, nobody moved for almost an hour. The Lord had us in the palm of His hand.
Once again, the food was amazing, and the fellowship was sweet.
There will be no meeting in July, but we will meet again August 16th - same time, same place.
God bless you, have a wonderful summer.
Love Marji and Megan